
Things you need to know when your child starts at Daisies Childcare

Your child is starting their exciting educational journey, and we thank you that you have chosen Daisies Childcare. We are dedicated to enhancing your child’s development, specialising in children that have English as an additional language, Special Educational needs. We encourage you to come and have a look round and ask as many questions you want.

Settling In

It is important that your child has settling sessions so that they can get to know their key person and their new nursery environment. All children are different and take different amounts of time for them to settle.

We advise that they have 1 hour session to start with, building up to 2 hours and then 3.

In your child's bag

Your child will need at least one spare set of clothes, Nappies and wipes if they use them, or spare pants if they are toilet training, and a water bottle. Please name/label all items.

Opening times

Morning session

8:45am till 11:45pm

Afternoon Session

12:15pm till 3:15pm

Full Day

8:45am till 3:15pm


We accept Government funding for 2,3 and 4 year olds. If you are entitled to receive funding your child can receive 15 hours a week (either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons) or 30 hours a week which is 4.5 full days.

For non funded places or extra sessions:

AM or PM session (3 hours) £35

Lunch cover between sessions (children need to bring their own healthy lunch box,
no sweets or fizzy drinks, no nuts) £5

Full day (6 and a half hours) £75

1 hour extra £10

For all children funded and non funded we ask parents to pay a voluntary additional £5 a week to cover activities and snacks as this is not covered by government funding. We ask for this to be paid half termly if possible.


Each week your child will have the opportunity to experience lots of different activities.

Your child will get messy at nursery. Please dress them appropriately.

Each week your child will have the opportunity to experience lots of different activities.

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